* We're in a 1 - 6 month uptrend/bounce
* The market shrugged off very recessionary job numbers. Don't fight the market.
* The homebuilders still have a LONG, LONG way to fall when all is said and done. The bounce increases our profit potential.
* We are in a recession as I type this.
* I need to get caught up in my research on currencies and commodities.
* It is still not time to talk my Dad into buying an upscale condo in Florida. We are 1 to 2 years away from that. Eventually, though, the potential is there for a multi million dollar gain by the time it's all said and done with my parents.
* Declining consumer spending will be a buzz topic by the end of 2008
* Earnings will disappoint in Q2 and Q3. 15% earnings projection by S&P analysts for Q3 is madness.
* Is the 1 to 3 year outlook for oil higher or lower? I don't have a definitive answer and cannot make a longer term investment until I have taken a side on this.
* VIX options seem pretty enticing to me, but after doing a little reading and learning that VIX futures options don't track VIX spot very well, I'm determined over the next couple of weeks to learn how to capitalize on what I feel will be another shot up in the VIX to 30 over the next 3 to 6 months. I may have to give a call to my friend to trades options on the street. For the time being, however, as I mentioned in the first bullet I think we are in for a 1 month bounce at the least. So, if I had to put the dough on the line right now! (too bad I can't). I say:
Sell the 08 Apr 25.00 calls at the current ask of 1.00. We will come back to this over the next week. The contract expires on the 16th of April and my prediction is they expire worthless. (This is the first specific investment recommendation I have made so I'm a little interested to how it pans out.)
And that's all for now...